FAFSA 2024 Updates

Due to nationwide delays in the FAFSA process, all new and returning students will receive their financial aid awards later than usual this year. FAFSA 2024 FAQs

Loyola has extended the enrollment deposit deadline for incoming first-year students to June 1, 2024. Read the full message

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Catholic Studies Minor

Welcome to the Catholic Studies Program

The Catholic Studies Program at Loyola University in New Orleans, in the words of Pope Francis, provides students with “an integral ecology lived out joyfully and authentically.” An “integral ecology” is a harmonized and integrated way of looking at all of reality, of “finding God in all things.” Catholic Studies does not simply provide students with an opportunity to study Catholic things, but enables them to study all things in a Catholic way, and to arrive at an integrated Catholic understanding of reality.

About Catholic Studies 

Mission: The Catholic Studies Program provides students with (1) an integrated Catholic and Ignatian way of seeing reality, (2) the central tenets of Catholic doctrine and of a faithful Catholic worldview, (3) a concrete interdisciplinary experience of how the Catholic worldview can engage with and orient a student’s major, (4) and a service learning component that blends the Catholic intellectual tradition with its concern for love of neighbor and a preferential option for the poor. Unlike any other minor at Loyola, the Catholic Studies minor focuses primarily on a way of thinking about and looking at reality. It teaches a Catholic way of engaging with other disciplines while never replacing them.

Weekly Events 

  • Tuesday: Catholic Studies Night. Mass at 5:30 PM follow by free home cooked dinner and Catholic Speaker. HNJ Parish Center, 6220 LaSalle Place
  • Wednesday: Eucharistic Adoration from 9:00 - 10:00 PM at St. Ignatius Chapel in Bobet Hall. Praise and Worship and Confession offered throughout
  • Weekly Bible Studies

Giving to Catholic Studies 

  • Loyola New Orleans Catholic Studies welcomes gifts that would help us cover the costs of our Catholic speaker series, free meals, retreats, pilgrimages, and much more! Each week, a growing number of undergraduates join Catholic Studies students to study, pray and grow in the faith. Your gift will allow us to continue to expand our programming and grow the program. Thank you!
  • Give Online

Course Offerings Information

Students can use the course section search (LORA) system to find courses that are eligible for the Catholic Studies Program.  Before declaring a Catholic Studies minor, please contact the program director.  

Catholic Studies Contact Information

Fr. Mark Mossa, SJ - Interim Director
Office: Bobet Hall 104
Campus Box 80
Phone: (504) 865-2180
Email: msmossa@1e1v.com

Participating faculty also include:

  • Everett Fulmer
  • Greg Waldrop, SJ
  • Josh Hinchie, SJ
  • Allison Edgren



See an overview of the program's curriculum and requirements.